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See the unseen with electron microscope!

에너지 생성, 전달 과정에서 일어나는 원자, 이온, 전자들의 움직임, 재분포를 최첨단 원자분해능전자현미경을 이용하여 실시간 관찰하여 에너지 생성 메커니즘을 이해하고, 성능 향상과 새로운 에너지 소재 설계에 기초자료를 제공합니다. 

Using the state-of-the-art electron microscope, we trace the dynamic motions of atoms, ions and electron in real-time with picometer precision during the energy generation and transfer processes to reveal the fundamental mechanisms and provide a clue to the design of new energy materials. 

​—Sang Ho Oh

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Group Member



Aug. 2024 Yaolong Xing presented his work at M&M Conference. He received MSA Psot Doc Award! Congratulations!

Dec. 2023 Yaolong and Keeyong won for Best Poster and Our lab is selected as BEST Lab in KENTECH! 

Sep. 2023 Yaolong Xing presented his work at IMC20 Conference. He received Best Oral Presentation Awards! Congratulations!

Aug. 2023 Dr.Byun and Keeyong got awards from Samsung Global Technology Sysmposium (SGTS). Congratulations!

June. 2023 Yaolong Xing presented his work at IAMNANO2023 Conference. He received 2023 Poster award! Congratulations!

May. 2023 Prof.Oh got Kentech award for Research Excellence. Congratulations!

Jan. 2023 Jeehun and Jongil got Kentech Researchfair awards. Congratulations!

Oct. 2021 Jongil got silver prize from Samsung Display paper competition. Congratulations!


Dec. 2024  Prof. Oh, Dr.Byun​, Jongil Kim and Keeyong Lee joined the conference of "Materials Research Society (MRS 2024)". Dr.Byun and Keeyong did oral presentation and Jongil present his work with poster

Aug. 2024 Yaolong Xing, Sol-i did presentation the conference of " Microscopy & Microanalysis. (M&M2024)". Sol-i present her research on Poster

Sep. 2023 Prof. Oh, Dr. Byun, Dr. Xing, Jeehun, Zhipeng, Jongil and Keeyong did Oral presentation the conference of "International Microscopy Congress (IMC20)". Sol-i present her research on Poster

Aug. 2023 Dr.Byun, Jeehun, Jongil and Keeyong present their works in poster session on "Samsung Global Technology Symposium (SGTS)".

Jun. 2023 Dr. Xing present their research in poster seeion on IMANano in Japan.


May. 2021  Prof. Oh gave an invited talk at "PICO 2021" about "Stabilization Mechanisms of Polar Oxide Surfaces Studied by In-situ TEM at High Temperatures"


Aug.2024 Dayoung joined our lab as Intern Researcher. Welcome!

Mar.2024 Jinha & Minchan joined our lab as Intergrated course student. Welcome!

Sept. 2023 Jinha joined our lab as Intern Researcher. Welcome!

Mar. 2023 Sol-i Joined our lab as Intergrated course student. Welcome!

Feb. 2023 Jeehun & Jongil passed their Ph.D qualification exams! 

Dec. 2022 Yaolong & Zhen completed their Ph.D defenses! 

Dec. 2021 Zhipeng did pre-defense for his Ph.D degree!

Dec. 2021 Jinsol & Hyejin did final defense for their Ph.D & Masters degree! 

Dec. 2020. Bumsu got acceptance from the CNRS (Centre National de la recherche scientifique) in France as a Post-doc position. Congratulation!

Research Progresses


Atomic-scale operando observation of oxygen diffusion during topotactic phase transition of a perovskite oxide


Yaolong Xing*, Inhwan Kim*, Kyeong Tae Kang*, Bumsu Park, Zhen Wang, Jong Chan Kim, Hu Toung Jeong, Woo Seok Choi*, Jaekwang Lee*, Sang Ho Oh*, Matter 5, 1-14 (2022).

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Representative Publications

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Atomic-scale operando observation of oxygen diffusion during topotactic phase transition of a perovskite oxide


Yaolong Xing*, Inhwan Kim*, Kyeong Tae Kang*, Bumsu Park, Zhen Wang, Jong Chan Kim, Hu Toung Jeong, Woo Seok Choi*, Jaekwang Lee*, Sang Ho Oh*, Matter 5, 1-14 (2022).

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