Thermofisher SpectraUltra
Transmission Electron Microscope

Imagine a Thermo Scientific Spectra™ 300 S/TEM:
That can truly be operated at different voltages (all the voltages between 30 and 300 kV for which alignments were purchased) in a single microscopy session
Where changing from an accelerating voltage to any other one takes about 5 minutes
That can accommodate a radically different EDX concept with a 4.45 srad solid angle (4.04 srad solid angle with an analytical double tilt holder)
With the new Spectra Ultra S/TEM, the accelerating voltage becomes an adjustable parameter, just like probe current, and the massive Ultra-X EDX system enables chemical characterization of materials too beam-sensitive for conventional EDX analysis.
Thermofisher Helios
Focused Ion Beam

Imagine a Thermo Scientific Helios™ 5 FIB:
Highest-quality, site-specific, sample preparation for TEM using the new high throughput Tomahawk HT Ion Column
Fastest and easiest, fully automated, unattended, multisite in situ and ex situ TEM sample preparation and cross sectioning using optional AutoTEM 5 Software
Fast, accurate and precise milling and deposition of complex structures with critical dimensions of less than 10 nm
The most complete sample information with sharp, refined and charge-free contrast obtained from up to six integrated in-column and below-the-lens detectors