Imaging Hydrogen Atoms inside Hydrogen Storage Materials
Hydrogen, the lightest atom in the periodic table, is one of the most important elements in energy technology. Within the solubility limit of host FCC metals, hydrogen atoms are able to occupy the octahedral sites. However, it is difficult to image such interstitial hydrogen atoms by TEM due to the weak interaction between the incident electron with the nucleus. We undertake the imaging of hydrogen atoms dissolved in the crystalline lattice by using electron ptychography phase contrast imaging and EELS with monochromated electron beam under hydrogen atmosphere inside TEM.

Imaging Moving Lithium ions in All Solid State Li-Ion Battery
Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) are the promising power sources for portable electronics, electric vehicles, and smart grids. The recent LIBs with organic liquid electrolytes still suffer from safety issues and insufficient lifetime. Solid-state batteries (SSBs) are expected to address these issues. The solid-solid interfaces appear to be the key to push SSBs toward practical applications. To unravel the electrochemical reaction mechanisms at the electrolyte-electrode interfaces, we will carry out in-situ biasing inside a TEM to trace the electromigration of Li ions at atomic-scale during the charging and discharging of SSBs.

Imaging Migrating Oxygen in Operating Solid-Oxide Fuel Cells
Developing high energy efficiency solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) require understanding oxygen transport mechanism in electrode and electrolyte during operation. Using real-time observation, visualizing migration oxygen in operating SOFC at medium temperature become possible. Revealing oxygen diffusion pathway shed light on the developing SOFC toward low temperature for high efficiency.