See the unseen with electron microscope!
에너지 생성, 전달 과정에서 일어나는 원자, 이온, 전자들의 움직임, 재분포를 최첨단 원자분해능전자현미경을 이용하여 실시간 관찰하여 에너지 생성 메커니즘을 이해하고, 성능 향상과 새로운 에너지 소재 설계에 기초자료를 제공합니다.
Using the state-of-the-art electron microscope, we trace the dynamic motions of atoms, ions and electron in real-time with picometer precision during the energy generation and transfer processes to reveal the fundamental mechanisms and provide a clue to the design of new energy materials.
—Sang Ho Oh
Our Tools

Oct. 2021 Jongil got silver prize from Samsung Display paper competition. Congratulations!
Dec. 2020 Yaolong got bronze prize from Samsung Electron-Mechanics paper award. Congratulations!
Apr. 2020 Dr.Park got Eric Samuel Memorial Scholarship Award with tittle "Direct Mapping of Electrostatic Potential Variation in Charge Trap Layers in Three-dimensional Memory Devices" from 2020 M&M. Congratulations!
Apr. 2020 Jinsol got Student Scholar Award from 2020 M&M. also Zhen,
an equal contributor. We are proud of you! Congratulations!
Feb. 2020 Zhen got Brozen prize from Samsung Humantech paper award. Congratulations!
Nov. 2019 Jeehun Jeong got gold prize from Samsung Electro-Mechanics paper award. Congratulations!
Nov. 2019 Dr. Song, Currently in KIMS, received young scientist award from the WISET/KPS! Congratulations! We are proud of you!
Aug. 2019 Yaolong Xing presented his work at 2019 M&M Conference, Portland. He received 2019 M&M Student Scholar Award! Congratulations!
May. 2019 Dr. Park received the best presentation award from "the 26th Korean Conference on Semiconductors". Excellent work!
Feb. 2019 Jeehun Jeong got the best poster prize at "Korean Conference on Semiconductor (KCS)".
Nov. 2018 Jinsol Seo got the best poster prize at "International Conference on Electronic Materials and Nanotechnology for Green Environment (ENGE)".
Oct. 2017 Zhen Wang got the best poster prize at "East-Asia Microscopy Conference (EAMC)"
May. 2021 Prof. Oh gave an invited talk at "PICO 2021" about "Stabilization Mechanisms of Polar Oxide Surfaces Studied by In-situ TEM at High Temperatures"
Dec. 2019 Prof. Oh gave invited talk on the Material Research Society (MRS). , Zhen, Jinsol & Jeehun also presented their work in MRS.
Nov. 2019 Prof. Oh and Dr. Park gave their invited talk on the Korean Ceramic Society (KCS) and Korean Society of Microscopy (KSM). Zhipeng also presented his work in KSM.
Oct. 2019 Prof. Oh gave an invited talk on IAMNano, Germany & Zhen also presented his work.
May. 2019 Dr. Park, Jinsol, Yaolong & Jeehun present their research progress on the conference of "Korean society of microscopy (KSM)".
Mar. 2019 Prof. Oh gave an invited talk at Max-Planck Institute (MPI) about "TEM Studies of Materials with Negative Poisson’s Ratio".
Feb. 2019 Prof. Oh gave an invited talk at "Korean Conference of Semiconductor (KCS)" about "Quantitative Mapping of Strain and Charge by Electron Holography".
Nov. 2018 Dr. Jinkyung Kim gave an invited talk at "International Conference on Electronic Materials and Nanotechnology for Green Environment (ENGE)".
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Dec. 2021 Zhipeng did pre-defense for his Ph.D degree!
Dec. 2021 Jinsol & Hyejin did final defense for their Ph.D & Masters degree!
Dec. 2020. Bumsu got acceptance from the CNRS (Centre National de la recherche scientifique) in France as a Post-doc position. Congratulation!
Jan. 2021 Hojae and Dongju joined our lab! Welcome to our group! Let's study together!
Mar. 2020 Hyejin joined our lab as a Master course student! Welcome to our group! Let's study together!
Sept. 2019 Dr.Shyam & Keeyong joined our group! We really welcome you! Let's study together!
Feb. 2019 Congratulations! Dr. Jinkyung Kim has been appointed as professor at Hanyang University! Good luck, Prof. Kim!
Jan. 2019 Welcome Jongil to join our lab as an integrated course student. Let us study together!
Research Progresses
Direct imaging of the electron liquid at oxide interfaces
Kyung Song, Sangwoo Ryu, Hyungwoo Lee, Tula R. Paudel, Christoph T. Koch, Bumsu Park, Ja Kyung Lee, Si-Young Choi, Young-Min Kim, Jong Chan Kim, Hu Young Jeong, Mark S. Rzchowski, Evgeny Y. Tsymbal, Chang-Beom Eom, Sang Ho Oh*, Nature Nanotechnology 13, 198-203 (2018)
In-situ TEM observation of {10-12} twin-dominated deformation of Mg pillars: Twinning mechanism, size effects and rate dependency
Jiwon Jeong, Markus Alfreider, Ruth Konetschnik, Daniel Kiener, Sang Ho Oh*, Acta Materialia 158, 407-421 (2018).
Kyungjoon Baek, Sangsu Park, Jucheol Park, Young-Min Kim, Hyunsang Hwang and Sang Ho Oh*, Nanoscale 9, 582-593 (2017).
Nanotwin-governed toughening mechanism in hierarchically structured biological materials
Yoon Ah Shin, Sheng Yin, Xiaoyan Li, Subin Lee, Sungmin Moon, Jiwon Jeong, Minhyug Kwon, Seung Jo Yoo, Young-Min Kim, Teng Zhang, Huajian Gao & Sang Ho Oh*, Nature Communications 7, 10772 (2016)
Representative Publications
International Collaborators
Kyung Song, Sangwoo Ryu, Hyungwoo Lee, Tula R. Paudel, Christoph T. Koch, Bumsu Park, Ja Kyung Lee, Si-Young Choi, Young-Min Kim, Jong Chan Kim, Hu Young Jeong, Mark S. Rzchowski, Evgeny Y. Tsymbal, Chang-Beom Eom, Sang Ho Oh*, “Direct imaging of the electron liquid at oxide interfaces”, Nature Nanotechnology 13, 198-203 (2018).
Jiwon Jeong*, Markus Alfreider, Ruth Konetschnik, Daniel Kiener, Sang Ho Oh*, “In-situ TEM observation of {10-12} twin-dominated deformation of Mg pillars: Twinning mechanism, size effects and rate dependency“, Acta Materialia 158, 407-421 (2018).
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Subin Lee, Jiseong Im, Youngdong Yoo, Erik Bitzek, Bongsoo Kim, Sang Ho Oh*, "Reversible cyclic deformation mechanism of Au Nanowires by twinning-detwinning transition evidenced from in-situ TEM", Nature Communications 5, 3033 (2014).
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Kyung Song*, Sangwoo Ryu, Hyungwoo Lee, Tula R. Paudel, Christoph T. Koch, Bumsu Park, Ja Kyung Lee, Si-Young Choi, Young-Min Kim, Jong Chan Kim, Hu Young Jeong, Mark S. Rzchowski, Evgeny Y. Tsymbal, Chang-Beom Eom, Sang Ho Oh*, “Direct imaging of the electron liquid at oxide interfaces”, Nature Nanotechnology 13, 198-203 (2018).

박사후연구원 및 석박사통합과정생 모집
한국에너지공과대학교 에너지신소재 트랙 오상호 교수 In-situ Quantum Imaging 연구실에서는 세계 최고 성능의 첨단 수차보정투과전자현미경 (SpectraUltra, ThermoFisher)과 다양한 in-situ TEM 홀더를 이용하여 원자 수준에서 다양한 에너지 소재의 물리적 성질, 전기화학 반응과 구조 변화를 연구하고 창의적 연구 활동으로 연구 경력을 심화하고자 하는 박사후연구원과 높은 수준의 대학원 교육을 받아 세계적인 연구자로 성장하고자 하는 대학원생을 모집합니다. 본 연구실은 전자현미경 분야 세계적인 인지도를 갖는 국내 최고 수준의 연구실로서, 포스텍 신소재공학과 (2009-2015년), 성균관대학교 에너지과학과 (2016-2021년)를 거쳐, 2022년 3월에 개교한 한국에너지공과대학교에서 한 차원 높은 수준의 연구를 위한 새로운 도약을 시작합니다. In-situ TEM법과 주사형투과전자현미경(STEM)법을 주요 분석 체계로 이용하여 오상호 교수의 지도 아래 세계적인 연구그룹들과 활발한 국제공동연구를 진행하고 있으며 (연구실 홈페이지 참조), 집중적으로 연구할 프로그램은 다음과 같습니다.
Materials systems:
Energy materials (Li ion battery, solar cells), Transition metal oxide materials, Next generation semiconductor devices, Biological materials (see shells, teeth and so on), Novel structural materials (High entropy alloys) and anything as long as small and unique structure suited for TEM research -
Main instrumental techniques:
In-situ TEM study in association with heating, electrical, and mechanical stimuli, Real-time negative-Cs HRTEM and scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) imaging combined with atomic resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS), X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), differential phase contrast (DPC) -
Main TEM Analytical techniques:
4D-STEM for pthychography (in collaboration with Prof. Christoph Koch) Quantitative atomic-scale STEM imaging and interpretation
Electron holography (both inline and off-axis methods) for strain/charge mapping
Atomic-resolution analytical (S)TEM using EELS/EDS -
이외에도 오상호 교수와 협의하여 새로운 연구주제를 발굴할 수도 있으며 연구 분야에 대한 자세한 내용은 아래 연락처로 문의 주시기 바랍니다.
투과전자현미경을 이용한 재료 물성 연구에 관심과 열정이 있는 분들의 많은 지원을 바랍니다.
대학원생: 학부 전공, 지원 동기, 장래 희망을 작성한 에세이 이메일 제출
박사후 과정: CV 및 대표논문 (TEM 분석 경험자 우대)
모집기한: 연중 상시 (홈페이지 참조)
연락처: 오상호 교수 (, 010-3616-0554)
대학원생: 등록금 전액면제, 생활비 (석사과정: 130만원 + 주거보조금, 박사과정: 160만원 + 주거보조금)
박사후 연구원 - 경력을 고려한 협의 (4대보험적용),
혜택: 해외공동연구 기관 파견 및 학회 참석