Nature reveals unseen structure to human being
Toughening mechanisms of Natural biocomposites: Role of Nanotwins
As an important class of natural biocomposite materials, mollusk shells possess remarkable mechanical strength and toughness as a consequence of their hierarchical structuring of soft organic and hard mineral constituents through biomineralization. Strombus gigas conch, one of the toughest aragonitic mollusk shells commonly known as the giant pink queen conch, contains a high density of nanoscale {110} growth twins in its third order aragonite lamellae, the basic building block of the material. Although the existence of nanotwinned aragonite has been known for decades, its roles and functions in mechanical behaviors and properties of biological materials have received little attention, in spite of worldwide interests in biomimetic materials and numerous studies in recent years aimed to investigate the relationship between mechanical properties (e.g., moduli, strength and toughness) and the elegant nano- and hierarchical structures of biological materials.
We have been interested in the toughening mechanism governed by nanoscale twins in the Strombus gigas conch shell. A combination of in situ fracture experiments inside a TEM, large-scale atomistic simulations and finite element modelling by Prof. Huajian Gao’s group demonstrate that the twin boundaries can effectively block crack propagation by inducing phase transformation and delocalization of deformation around the crack tip. This mechanism leads to an increase in fracture energy of the basic building block by one order of magnitude, and contributes significantly to that of the overall structure via structural hierarchy.

"Nanotwin-governed toughening mechanism in hierarchically structured biological materials", Nature Communications 7, 10772 (2016).
A Natural Nanocomposite with Negative Poisson's ratio
The teeth of limpets are reported to be the strongest natural material, with tensile strength values ranging from 3 to 6.5 GPa. However, the origin of ultrahigh strength of limpet teeth is still unknown. Limpets use conveyor belt-like radula to scrape rocks and extract algae during feeding. These processes require extremely strong teeth. Limpet teeth show characteristic composite nanostructures consisting of high volume fraction of reinforcing goethite crystals and softer amorphous hydrated silica matrix. The volume fraction and morphology of goethite crystals are heterogeneous at different locations of the tooth, which leads to site-specifically heterogeneous mechanical properties. To understand deformation behavior of limpet teeth, in-situ TEM deformation experiments were conducted using the samples taken from the tip of a limpet tooth. Upon tension, the sample shows both positive tensile and transverse strain, which indicates negative Poisson’s ratio. The rotation of laterally-aligned goethite crystals appears to result in the observed negative Poisson’s ratio. When the sample fractures, a crack propagates very fast right after its initiation. The ultrahigh strength of limpet teeth is expected to delay initiation of cracks. The present work will discuss the relationship among microstructures, deformation/fracture behavior and mechanical properties of limpet teeth. This could provide an insight into design of bioinspired engineering composite materials with superior strength and toughness.